13 Mei, 2015

Bermain Warcraft 3 di resolusi widescreen

Bagi anda yang suka bermain game warcraft 3 dan memiliki layar monitor lebar melebihi normal, misal 15", maka pasti akan mengalami game yang terbuka tidak fullscreen dan hanya selebar layar 14", hal ini dikarenakan graphics card anda tidak memiliki setting yang sama dengan software warcraft yang tersetting secara default.

Untuk mengatasi hal ini secara simplenya adalah menyesuaikan setting registry di regedit sesuai dengan setting layar anda. Misal anda memiliki resolusi layar 1360x768 maka lakukan langkah berikut :

1) Backup registry anda untuk berjaga jaga bila ada masalah
START > Run > regedit > file > export

2) Rubah resolusi warcraft 3 secara manual
START > run > regedit

  Disalam Windows Registry Editor (regedit), cari :
HKEY_CURRENT_USER > Software > Blizzard Entertainment > Warcraft III > Video

3) Rubah nilai berikut dalam desimal :
(Right click > Change > select "decimal" > fill in new value)
resheight = 1360
reswidth =760

Keluar dari registry, dan coba jalankan game warcraft 3 anda, atau coba restart lebih dahulu.

Cara lain dengan memakai patch untuk menyesuaikan lebar resolusi sebagai berikut :

1). Download patch di Link berikut ini
2). Cari direktori dimana warcraft 3 terinstall dan pindahkan "War3ScreenResolution.exe" ke folder tersebut
3). Klik kanan  "War3ScreenResolution.exe" dan pilih "Send to -> Desktop (create shortcut)"
4). Rename shortcut di Desktop menjadi misalkan "Warcraft III";
5). Sekarang tiap kali anda mau bermain, double click shortcut, dan pilih"Warcraft III - Reign of Chaos" and "Warcraft III - The Frozen Throne".

07 Mei, 2015

AHCI : Enable in Windows 7 after OS install

AHCI Advanced Host Controller Interface makes NCQ Native Command Queing along with hot-plugging or hot swapping through SATA Serial-ATA host controllers possible; Vista was the first to offer this feature. The issue with AHCI is it needs to be enabled in the BIOS prior to OS installation; doing so after you have installed the OS will disable the PC. The reason why is Windows disables the AHCI drivers not needed durring installation.

This tutorial will show you how to enable AHCI after you have installed the OS if you didn't already have AHCI enable in the BIOS when you installed the OS.

warning   Warning
Changing values in the Windows registry can disable your machine; if you're not sure how to do this please post a question in this tutorial and someone will be glad to help you.
information   Information
This method will also work for Windows Vista though the default DWORD string value in Vista will be "4" where it will be "3" in Windows 7.
Note   Note
As a precaution it would be a good idea to create a "System Restore Point" before you start this, the tutorial can be found at the link below.

System Restore Point - Create
Let's get started!
1) In the Windows start menu search box type regedit, right click the entry, click Run as Administrator, enter your user credentials for the UAC prompt, then click yes to open regedit.
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2) In regedit navigate to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\services.

3) In the left pane, click on msahci, in the right pane double click on Start to modify it.
4) In the window that opens change the value to 0 (zero), and click OK.
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5) In the left pane, click on iaStorV (if there), in the right pane double click on Start to modify it. Repeat step 4, and go to step 6 below.
NOTE: From: Error message occurs after you change the SATA mode of the boot drive

6) Close Registry Editor.
7) Now you'll need to restart the PC and go into the BIOS and enable AHCI. When Windows boots up, it will finish installing the AHCI drivers.
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8) You will need one final restart to finish the process after the drivers are installed.
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Note   Note
For those with nForce boards, have a look at the Information post below.

The method was worked out by Everlong and credit for that goes to him, thanks mate!
