06 Juni, 2015

How to play Movies with subtitle on TV samsung LED series 4

So I have bought this real nice 24 inches LED TV: Samsung UA24H4053AR 24-inch Widescreen HD Ready LED TV. we bought those TV HD because we need 1 more TV since my parent in law curently living with us and it feels be better to have 1 more TV, beside i like to play my movie file on TV. 

Since it is a HD TV, I thought of watching high definition movie on it. My preferred way to watch movies is with sub-titles. In computer, it is very easy to watch a movie with subtitles, but it was “almost” not the same in TV. First time I tried watching the movies with subtitles on my LED TV, I failed miserably.

So here is what I learnt with my ordeal with subtitles on TV:
  • Your TV should be advanced enough to read a subtitles. Mine is.
  • Name the video file and the subtitle files exactly same. Just the extension should be different, nothing else. usually ext for subtittle is srt.
  • Keep the subtitles file in the same folder as the video file.
  • Video format of the files also matter. I found it to be working .mp4 and .avi, mkv, etc.
  • Now to activate TVsubtitle to enable subtitle show in the movie, to do so you can see on picture shown below which show you the process on my Samsung TV with bahasa launguage
  • Press Tools on remote TV  
  • Then choose "pengaturan text layar" 
  • Then change wich previously default set as "Mati/Off" to "Bahasa1/On" 
  • Then You can back to movie played and you can see substitle on the screen.
 That's what i've done to show subtittle on movie played on my  Samsung LEd TV series 4. Try it and enjoy nice shown movie with subtitle.